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Fairness in trading requires a truly decentralized currency. AchieveCoin, currency symbol ⨺, trading symbol ACH, is an open-source cryptocurrency derived from Bitcoin Gold. Just like Bitcoin, there is no central authority to issue or regulate AchieveCoin. AchieveCoin further the decentralize characteristic by using memory-intensive mining process.
AchieveCoin’s blockchain starts from number zero, which makes mining possible again for individuals, just like Bitcoin ten years ago.
AchieveCoin is derived from Bitcoin Gold, which replaces Bitcoin’s SHA256 proof-of-work algorithm with Equihash. Equihash is a memory-intensive algorithm that makes coin generating (mining) process more difficult for Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) computers.
Mainstream computers can participate in the mining opportunity. By decentralizing, no single entity or hardware can control the entire network.
AchieveCoin restarts mining from blockchain 0.
Invent an open-source Radial Code as alternative to QR Code and Barcode. Fully owned by public domain from the start, Radial Code has a beautiful structure that is readable by both machine and human. A small structure can hold all unique addresses of AchieveCoin.
Develop scrip/gift card products to make AchieveCoin and other cryptocurrencies accessible on existing retail distribution networks around the world.