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We are the digital money that is going to change the financial world in the future. The Hextracoin system is “Peer to peer” network. There is no server for this network and this network type does not stratify the priority of connected computers. Every computer has equal rights to work on the network which is called “Peer”. Each computer will operate as clients & servers that depends on the usage of users.
The Transfer of Hextracoin is convenient and easy. The money transfer can be occurred everywhere in the world within seconds. Moreover, Hextracoin’s transfer fee is less than the transfer fee of banks.
The transaction of Hextracoin is safe and anonymous. Each person is able to set a name or anonymous but the transaction can be checked by blockchain. You can transfer Hextracoin to be kept in a Hextracoin wallet just downloading Hextracoin Wallet Application and this application is available for both ios and android.
The number of Hextracoin coins are limited only 29 million coins for worldwide. The digital financial