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  • Anthony Pompliano: Bitcoin is a peaceful protest against the system
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Anthony Pompliano: Bitcoin is a peaceful protest against the system

Anthony Pompliano: Bitcoin is a peaceful protest against the system Anthony Pompliano - founder of Morgan Creek Digital

Anthony Pompliano, a well-known Bitcoin fan and founder of Morgan Creek, said that Bitcoin is not an investment, but a peaceful protest against a system that can change the world.

With his publication, he addresses all users. According to him, they can be divided into two types: some act as mercenaries and others as missionaries. Pompliano describes both categories.

When it comes to ideological support for the massive spread of cryptocurrency, Pompliano quotes renowned venture capitalist John Doerr, who led Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers: "We need missionaries, not mercenaries."

According to Pompliano, each type of user works in its own ecosystem. For example, Wall Street is an environment in which a bunch of ruthless mercenaries. They are aimed only at making a profit.

Over the past ten years, there have been a large number of missionaries in the Bitcoin ecosystem who went beyond profit and believed in the very ideology of the first cryptocurrency - the peaceful financial revolution.

People who hold such views are not interested in current quotes; they do not need to evaluate Bitcoin in dollar terms. These people remain holders regardless of price fluctuations.

Pompliano's statement is comparable to the phenomenon that the analyst @Rhythmtrader recently drew attention to: "11 580 000 BTC in the last year did not leave the wallets. Even at the time of growth of quotations by 85%, they were not sold. These real holders adhere to their own strategy. "

"For Bitcoiners, this isn't an investment. It is a protest. A peaceful protest against the system. Better yet, Bitcoin is a revolution. A revolution that stands to change the world in ways that most people can't even comprehend yet. If successful, Bitcoin will usher in a new era where there is a separation of state and money. One where people are asked to trust transparent software systems over humans," 

argues Pompliano.
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