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BabyBNBTiger Press Release

PRESS-RELEASE-BabyBNBTiger BabyBNBTiger Press Release

Dear friends, our dear Tiger Army, you have already become like family to us, we thank each of you for supporting, moving forward with us and not stopping, our achievements are your merit.

We are happy to announce that our first BabyBNBTiger NFT collection has been successfully launched.

Go to the marketplace website, connect your wallet and buy yourself these wonderful BabyBNBTiger Guardians.

These unique pictures will give you not only various kinds of personal discounts and privileges, but also many other special and valuable prizes.

A few words about the NFT collection:

  • Number of NFTs 100 pieces
  • The rarity and uniqueness of the NFT is divided into four classes: 5 legendary, 10 epic, 15 rare, 70 common.
  • The purchase takes place in the form of an auction, the initial price is $20, each bid must be 2 times the previous one, when the time expires, the winner takes his Guardian, then a new lot appears with an initial price of $20
  • After the end of the auction, the owners of the Guardians can open the box and see their tiger cub, or resell this box on the marketplace.
  • The auction will last for several days and each of you will have a chance to get these wonderful tiger cubs.


In addition, we want to inform you that these NFTs will be needed for our BabyTiger game, which is scheduled for release in the third quarter of this year.

How to Buy #BabyBNBTiger (BABYBNBTIGER) Guide


📄| Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6


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✅ | NFT'S


➡️ | Marketplace

(https://babybnbtigernft.top/)➡️ | Website

(https://babybnbtiger.top/)➡️ | Telegram

(https://t.me/BabyBNBTigerEN)➡️ | Twitter

(https://twitter.com/BabyBNBTiger)➡️ | Chart

(https://www.dextools.io/app/en/bnb/pair-explorer/0xc7dd912045c2aa9cd12662040efe53e2a7916a54)➡️ | LiqLock

(https://app.unicrypt.network/amm/pancake-v2/pair/0xc7dd912045c2aa9cd12662040efe53e2a7916a54)💎 | Potential| x70 - x1000 |

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