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The decentralized Binance Exchange was registered in Switzerland, owned by the Shanghai-based company Beiji Technology, managed by a team of professionals with solid experience on cryptocurrency technologies on Wall Street. The company is headed by Changpeng Zhao, who previously headed the Blockchain development department, and also co-founded and technical director of OKCoin.

The name cryptocurrency exchange Binance received as a result of the intersection of two English words: binary (binary, double) and finance (finance).

Main Features

    • Daily trading volume of $ 4 billion;
    • More than 230 currency pairs; strictly cryptocurrency exchange;
    • Own cryptocurrency (BNB);
    • The lowest fees for traces - 0.1%, and a 50% discount when paying BNB;
    • Lack of verification for the withdrawal of less than 2 BTC per day; processing more than 1.4 million orders per second;
    • Supports 8 languages: Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean;
    • Two interface modes: Basic for beginners and Advanced for advanced and rich trading;
    • Mobile app for IOS and Android.

In their comments, Binance users also note the reliable level of security of the exchange and give a high rating to the technical support service, which 24 hours a day stands guard over the smooth operation of the service, promptly eliminates errors and problems that can slow down the system.

Binance Coin, Binance's internal money issued on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain, is regarded as a promising stock exchange instrument. New coins are used to pay the commission fee of the trading platform and give the user the opportunity to receive various discounts when paying using BNB tokens. Along with the growing popularity of the Binance Exchange, the value of its internal cryptocurrency will also increase. Binance is considered the fastest growing crypto-trading platform today. In January 2018, a number of registrations on the stock exchange was recorded - 250,000 per 1 hour. Discovering the possibilities of this promising trading platform, timely learning about important changes and innovations of the exchange, getting the most reliable data from the Binance social networks is best: subscribing to the telegram channel or reading twitter.


Chinese Cryptocurrency Binance is owned by a large Shanghai company Beiji Technology. Here, in Shanghai, is the head office of the company.

Official website: https://www.binance.com

Domain binance.com was registered on April 1, 2017, and just after 9 months of work, at the end of December 2017, more than 3 million users were registered. Now this figure has already exceeded 6 million registered users, which most clearly confirms the fact of the rapid success and incredible popularity of Binance. It got to the point that at the beginning of 2018 even for some time it was necessary to close the registration of new accounts, as the service technically could not cope with the huge flow of new customers. Now the situation has stabilized, and anyone can easily and quickly join Binance.


As we have already said, Binance owes its incredibly rapid success to the lowest commission among all cryptocurrency trading platforms - 0.1% of the transaction. In addition to such modest transaction fees and the lack of fees for depositing funds, Binance is also famous for a very democratic approach to withdrawing funds from the stock exchange: 0.001% for Bitcoin, 0.01% for Ethereum, 0.25% for Ripple and so on. Commission conditions on Binance are really more profitable than on other low-cost crypto exchanges (for example, on Bittrex). Moreover, the tariff for the transaction may be reduced by half and amount to 0.05% per exchange. In order to obtain such conditions, it is necessary to purchase Binance Coin tokens (internal cryptocurrency of the exchange) and pay fees.


Crypto Exchange Binance is optimized for trading on mobile devices. Applications can be downloaded on Android and IOS. True for iOS, only manual installation is currently available. Step by step instructions you will find here. For Android, there is a special application available on Google Play. Trading with a smartphone is certainly convenient, because it is very difficult to be in front of a computer all day. Thanks to the Binance mobile application, you can always be aware of the current stock exchange situation and not miss the best price offers.


The mere fact that Binance was launched with funds acquired during the ICO ($ 15 million) indicates a high level of trust in the project. The authority of the team, which consists of renowned professionals with many years of experience in the field of cryptocurrency development and successfully implemented projects, played not the last role. 20 thousand registered users for the first days of the exchange and more than 6 million now is the best indicator of the level of trust in Binance as a reliable and efficient trading platform.


Exchange really has an excellent reputation among users, both those who have just started their trading career and have chosen Binance as the first trading platform, as well as advanced users who appreciate the serious and rich trading process possible thanks to the advanced features of Binance . Indeed, on forums, in specialized communities, on social networks and other online communication platforms where users from all over the world meet, one can most often see only positive reviews and emotions from working with Binance. Of course, the exchange is not without flaws: it does not support Fiat. However, this disadvantage fade against the background of all the tremendous advantages that Binance provides to its users. 


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