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Bitcoin Enthusiast created a charity fund of $ 85 million


An anonymous holder of Bitcoins created an investment Cryptocurrency fund in the amount of $ 85 million for charitable purposes. This person has invested in the investment fund with 5 057 BTC to support any charitable purposes around the world.

The pineapple fund has already donated 163 BTC to the Watsi platform, intended to provide medical assistance to people in a desperate situation, the Water Project water purification project, the BitGive charity foundation and one of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) activists. In total, it amounted to $ 3.5 million.

This leaves 4,895BTC (approximately $84 million) more to give out. In case you feel your company might be eligible for donations, The Pineapple Fund is currently accepting applications. 

"I remember starting at Bitcoin a few years ago. When Bitcoin broke single digits for the first time, I thought that was a triumphant moment for Bitcoin," the anonymous benefactor said.
"Bitcoin has changed my life, and I have far more money than I can ever spend. My aims, goals, and motivations in life have nothing to do with having XX million or being the mega rich."
"So I'm doing something else," the masked hero continued, "[I'm] donating the majority of my Bitcoins to charitable causes. I'm calling it The Pineapple Fund."

"Your organization should be a registered nonprofit organization in your country," the website reads. "In exceptional circumstances, we may make exceptions." All approved parties will receive the donation via a Bitcoin transfer. 

The Pineapple Fund says it will help those unfamiliar with the technology to accept and convert the donations.

One thing to note is that the benefactor is not accepting applications from individuals, so don't expect the fund to cover your college debt. "Pineapple Fund is charity, but not that kind of charity," a message on the website reads.

Anyone interested can find out more about the Pineapple Fund on its official site here. Big up to you, Pineapple person, whoever you are! 

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