Despite the expectations of the "collapse of the bubble," which is intensified due to the fact that Bitcoin with whistling passes all the new frontiers, every new level is given to it more easily and almost without serious corrections. On the morning of December 6, another price level of $ 12,000 was passed, at which the price did not stop and moved on, approaching $ 12,500, and the GDAX exchange went up to $ 12,540.
In addition, although many prominent figures in the financial world are increasingly saying that Bitcoin is a bubble and the pullback of prices is inevitable, the battle for the right to issue first Bitcoins futures pushes the price higher. The current update of the historical maximum is probably connected with the statement of the CEO of the Intercontinental Exchange and the chairman of the board of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Jeff Sprecher.
"We may be stupid for not being first on that," Jeff Sprecher, chief executive officer of Intercontinental Exchange Inc., said today at an investor conference sponsored by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in New York. "I don't have the answers, I wish I knew" how the investments will evolve, he said. "I don't know what to make of cryptocurrencies."
"To short that, that means they're deciding to exit" the market through a futures market, Sprecher said. He decided that may not be a good scenario for one of his exchanges.
Still, he said that Intercontinental Exchange hasn't necessarily missed an opportunity. He said it's unwise to rush to market with a product whose underlying price is based on an index of bitcoin exchanges that aren't transparent.
The CME contract will settle in cash and use a daily price from the CME CF Bitcoin Reference Rate, which is supported by digital exchanges Bitstamp, GDAX, itBit and Kraken. Missing from that list is Gemini, one of the other large global exchanges, which struck a deal with Cboe for Bitcoin pricing.