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  • Changpeng Zhao's subscribers ridiculed his Bitcoin exchange rate predictions
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Changpeng Zhao's subscribers ridiculed his Bitcoin exchange rate predictions

Changpeng Zhao Changpeng Zhao - the CEO of Binance

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao commented on the messages of his subscribers who make fun of him because of inaccurate forecasts of the Bitcoin rate.

Even well-known representatives of the cryptocurrency industry may be unimportant analysts, and their forecasts should not be trusted. This can be said about the founder of Binance. The fact is that after his bullish forecast, the price of the first cryptocurrency most often decreased.Enter your text here ...

"Some comments say I am the counter signal. Funny. I am ALWAYS bullish, every day/second/tick. I tweet everyday too. You can easily find all down ticks and correlate it with my tweets. You can also easily find all up ticks and correlate it with my tweets too," 

writes Zhao.

Of all the predictions, Zhao is most remembered for what he gave on August 2, 2019. Then he offered to "smack himself" to all those who sold Bitcoin below $ 10,000. Soon, the price of the first cryptocurrency fell to $ 6,500.

Some commentators asked the Binance CEO to prove their words with their own attachments.

"I have maybe $500 in fiat, no house, no boats, no car. Only crypto, #BTC from a 2014 house sell and #BNB since 2017," Zhao replied.

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