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  • Charles Edwards: it is likely that $BTC will 10X within the next 5 years
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Charles Edwards: it is likely that $BTC will 10X within the next 5 years

Charles-Edwards-BTC-will-10x--next-5-years Charles Edwards | Asset Manager

Asset Manager Charles Edwards, using a rare indicator called Bitcoin Energy Value, predicted a rise in the price of Bitcoin to $ 100,000 over five years.

The indicator monitors the price of Bitcoin using two metrics to determine the "value" - the hash of the network and the effectiveness of mining equipment.

"Based on a conservative estimate of Bitcoin's Energy Value, it is likely that $BTC will 𝟭𝟬𝗫 within the next 5 years. A thread forecasting Bitcoin's long-term price using Energy Value," 

Edwards wrote on Twitter.

The asset manager noted that over the past 5 years, the hashrate of the first cryptocurrency has grown exponentially, but if at the moment this indicator is growing at about 135% per year, then by 2025 it will drop to 20% per year. The situation is similar with the efficiency of equipment for Bitcoin mining: it also grew steadily, but the average annual growth of this indicator decreased from 400% to 50% last year.  

"Assuming this relationship holds, but allowing for some market saturation, we can estimate that the HR growth rate drops from ~135% p.a. today to ~20% p.a. in 2025," 

Edwards concluded.

The asset manager also suggested that in the long term, the BTC could reach $ 200,000.

The other day, Bank of England economist Peter Zimmerman said that the constant increase in the value of Bitcoin is gradually turning it into a means of accumulation.


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