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Nassim Taleb: Bitcoin wins in comparison with state currencies

Nassim-Taleb-Bitcoin-wins Nassim Taleb | The famous American economist and trader

The famous American economist and trader Nassim Taleb remains optimistic about cryptocurrencies and believes that Bitcoin "wins" in comparison with state currencies.

Taleb said that citizens of some countries, such as Lebanon, "lost faith" in state banking systems, so no one should ignore cryptocurrencies, as well as the history of Bitcoin and blockchain.

"I am realizing Lebanon is in a situation where there is an implied currency control but the government cannot control Bitcoin which is a good thing because people have no trust and the ability of the central bank which really causes the ponzi style collapse and the Bitcoin does not have that," 

said Taleb.

 According to him, Bitcoin "wins" in comparison with state currencies, and the existence of cryptocurrencies not controlled by governments is "wonderful".

"I am very glad that we have cryptocurrencies...Of course, you are going to have frauds and ponzi schemes and all that with bitcoin and cryptos but when you see governments like in Lebanon, doing the ponzis you tell yourself what is better," 

he said.

  At the end of October, Taleb expressed the opinion that the suspension of banks in Lebanon could mark the imminent transition of citizens to the use of cryptocurrencies.


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