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  • Natalia Kaspersky: Bitcoin - the development of the American special services
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Natalia Kaspersky: Bitcoin - the development of the American special services


The general director of the InfoWatch group of companies and the co-founder of Kaspersky Lab, Natalya Kaspersky, considers Bitcoin the development of a group of American cryptographers who worked on behalf of the special services. She said this, speaking at the St. Petersburg University ITMO, where Kaspersky presented a presentation on "Modern technologies - the basics of information and cyber-wars." In her opinion, the group of American cryptographers is hiding under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin creator, but did not name any concrete people and evidence of their involvement in the development of Bitcoin.

 "Bitcoin is the development of American intelligence services with the aim of quickly financing US, British, Canadian intelligence services in various countries." The Internet, GPS, TOR "is actually privatized, in fact, the dollar is 2.0." The exchange rate control is in the hands of the owners of exchanges, "said the entrepreneur.

Kaspersky also called the smartphone "a remote controlled device sold to the owner for his entertainment, work and simultaneous surveillance of him."

The Russian officials, including the leader of the Duma faction of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, have repeatedly stated about involvement in the creation of the CIA and other special services. However, without evidence, these words remain in the category of speculation.

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