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  • "Pineapple" Crypto Fund donated $ 1 million to the Internet Archive
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"Pineapple" Crypto Fund donated $ 1 million to the Internet Archive


Anonymous charity Pineapple Fund, which makes donations in the Cryptocurrency, provided $ 1 million in Bitcoins to the Internet Archive, a non-profit organization founded to "store the history of the Internet." According to the representative of the fund, the Internet Archive becomes more valuable every day, collecting books, abandoned games, websites and communities that have closed.

According to the website of the Pineapple Fund, it has already supported 13 non-profit organizations for 4,400 BTC and plans to donate another 5,057 BTC (about $ 86 million)

Pineapple fund supports charitable organizations, based on the performance indicators of their work, the innovations that they provide, as well as their size.

The philanthropist sends the Bitcoins directly to organizations. This brings tax advantages when sending the full amount without accruing taxes on capital gains. He does not take any tax deductions for donations. Donation in Bitcoins also allows the Pineapple Fund to remain anonymous. 

In addition to the Internet Archive, the Foundation's donations to date include:

  • $1 million to Watsi, a charity building technology to support universal health care.
  • $1 million to The Water Project, which provides sustainable water to African communities.
  • $1 million to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which supports Internet privacy and net neutrality.
  • $1 million to MAPS, which supports treatments for mental illness.
  • $1 million to Sens Research Foundation, which supports research and treatments for aging.
  • $1 million to charity: water, which supports providing clean water to people in need of it.
  • $1 million to mona, which supports grass roots organizational initiatives to help educate disadvantaged children worldwide.
  • $1 million to new story, a non-profit that supports efforts to provide stable housing worldwide.
  • $1 million to Pencils of Promise, an organization that supports educational initiatives for children worldwide.
  • $100,000 to Green Steps, an organizational that supports efforts to clean the environment in the U.S. state of Tennessee.
  • $50,000 to OpenBSD, a Canadian not-for-profit corporation that supports the development of free software based on the OpenBSD operating system.
  • $500,000 to the BitGive Foundation, a charity that builds projects to use bitcoin and blockchain technology for international philanthropy.
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