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  • Private pre-kindergarten school in New York offered to pay for their services with Bitcoins
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Private pre-kindergarten school in New York offered to pay for their services with Bitcoins


While skeptics continue to assert that bitcoin is used exclusively for speculation, one of private schools in New York City offered to pay for their services with Bitcoins. In an interview, the school manager in Montessori, in Wilthiron and Soho, Marco Ciocca, said that parents themselves asked whether there is a possibility to pay for the education by the bitcoins. After several such calls, Marco began to actively monitor the bitcoins and very soon already knew about all his advantages as a means of payment: fast transactions, low commissions, easy payment. Having conferred with colleagues, it was decided to include bitcoin in the number of means of payment for paying for tuition in a kindergarten.

However, the educational institution does not store received bitcoins, but uses processing services to enroll the fiat into its bank account. This helps to avoid the volatility to which bitcoin is exposed. The crypto-exchange service takes only 1% for its services. This is less than 2-4% of the commission charged by credit card operators. In addition, payments on credit cards can be rejected, and this leads to additional costs. Therefore, the owners of the institution decided to abandon credit cards and accept only cash, checks, electronic payments, and now bitcoin.
Many companies have already told that adding bitcoin as an alternative method of payment, they found that some customers pay only digital currency. After kindergarten added bitcoin as a means of payment - several parents paid for training with crypto currency, because their work is connected with the blocking, and for them such payments have already become natural.
This confirms that bitcoin is not the prerogative of enterprises looking to the future. Even ordinary schools and kindergartens begin to take it.


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