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CryptoEvent RIW Global Conference will sum up the year in the blockchain

RELEASE-MOSCOW-RIW-Global-Conference CryptoEvent RIW conference | Moscow, Russia

A global blockchain event, the CryptoEvent RIW conference, will take place in Moscow. The event will be held during the 21-23rd of November within the framework of Russian Internet Week; all areas of the blockchain's application from Fin Tech and AI to medicine, art and cinema will be discussed there. The largest exhibition venue in Russia, VDNH, was chosen as the venue.

The results of 2018, research from rating agencies, financial indicators of the largest blockchain companies, and trends in all sectors of the use of the blockchain are the main topics announced in the CryptoEvent RIW program. More than 3 000 participants are expected at the conference.

Within three days, more than 90 speakers from Russia and the CIS will address the guests of the conference. Participation in the event has already been confirmed by:

• Yuri Naidenov, Waves blockchain-architect (in 2017, the platform token entered the top 10 digital assets by market capitalization);

• Alexey Antonov, Сo-Founder of SONM;

• Anar Babayev, co-founder of the ICObox (the company was recognized as #1 in the world in the marketing of ICO in 2018);

• Oleg Ivanov, CEO and Co-Founder of Crypto Bazar Fund, attracted $90 million investments in his own projects;

• Ivan Petukhovsky, co-founder of the EXMO cryptocurrency exchange

• And many others

The CryptoEvent RIW participants can also visit the Red Dot Hall on the Russian Internet Week where experts in the field of neural networks, Phil Tech, start-ups and marketing will perform.

In the exhibition area of CryptoEvent RIW, 50 exhibitors will present their products. The exhibition will be available to all participants of the Russian Internet Week and will bring up together about 15 000 people.

The tickets are available on the site: https://cryptoevent.io/riw 

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