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  • Russian businessman filed a lawsuit against Google for crypto-advertising ban
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Russian businessman filed a lawsuit against Google for crypto-advertising ban


Entrepreneur Vladimir Orekhov filed a lawsuit against the Russian division of Google (Google), where he accused the company of causing him moral damage for 2 billion rubles for the damage caused to his business after the ban on cryptocurrency advertising. Orekhov deals with investments in cryptocurrency projects. Because of the ban on advertising cryptocurrency and ICO in Google, an entrepreneur "lost access to potential investors overnight", and since he is an investor himself, this ban deprives him of useful information about companies entering the ICO, correspondingly promising investments, and "will affect future incomes ". 2 billion rubles (about $340 Mln) calculated based on the lost profits of the project.

Orekhov considers such a ban illegal and violates his rights - in particular, the right to receive information. He insists on lifting the ban on cryptocurrency advertising.

According to the partner of the law firm "Buzko and partners" Roman Buzko, the suit has no chance.

"First, you cannot oblige the distributor of advertising to distribute advertising on this or that subject, the lawyer argues. Secondly, commercial claims do not claim moral damage, it would be more logical to state the lost economic benefit that the entrepreneur suffered from the ban on advertising," he says.

Managing Partner Nektorov, Saveliev & Partners Alexander Nektorov supports his colleague.

"Since Google will prohibit advertising only in June this year, now the losses that the entrepreneur claims are not yet," emphasizes the lawyer. - Moreover, the claim does not explain how the prohibition of advertising is related to the amount of claimed damage. Satisfaction of the claim for 2 billion rubles of moral damage in Russia - in general from the genus of fiction." 

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