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The DASH team launched an advertisement on television in the US


News about crypto-currencies more and more often flash before your eyes in the network already and on those resources that are not devoted directly to financial technologies or business. Of course, this is to be expected from the leading Internet publications, the purpose of which is to find any novelties in IT. However, what happens in more traditional media channels? As it turned out, not everything is so sad. In early October this year, a Twitter user with the nickname CryptoRick posted a tweet in which he said that he saw a commercial for Dash crypto cash in a United Airlines airplane. This information is confirmed by other users who were on this flight.

According to some assumptions, this video could be seen not only by airplane passengers, but also by other viewers in the US, as satellite TV channels from DirecTV, which cooperates with United Airlines, operate in most states. For the first quarter of 2017, DirecTV had at least 21 million viewers.
The information is also confirmed by Dash community marketing plans on the Dashtreasury.org website, where the doewapapus user was offered a media campaign whose purpose is to tell about the crypto currency to the passengers of American airlines.
The above facts make Dash the world's first altcoin, which has an official advertisement on television, and this, without a doubt, is a big step for the whole industry.

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