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  • User paid 200 LTC commission for a transaction in the amount of 8.88 LTC
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User paid 200 LTC commission for a transaction in the amount of 8.88 LTC

User-paid-200-LTC-commission User paid 200 LTC commission for a transaction in the amount of 8.88 LTC

According to the Chepicap portal, an unknown sender transferred a transaction in the amount of 8.88 LTC (~ $ 1000) in the Litecoin network and paid a fee of 200 LTC (more than $ 22000).

Thus, the size of the commission exceeded the amount sent by 22 times. The transaction was added to the block, mined by the Chinese mining pool LTC.TOP.

  Analysis of the sender's data showed, that the wallet owner is a rather active user of cryptocurrency and has sent over 2500 transactions since the middle of 2018. However, made this mistake for the first time.

A similar situation occurred in the Ethereum network. Then the user sent several transactions totaling 0.15 ETH and paid 3150 ETH (about $ 450,000) as commissions. The scale of the incident caused a great resonance in the cryptocurrency community, as a result of which the Sparkpool mining pool, which added a transaction with a commission of 2100 ETH to the blockchain, found the hapless sender and after conversation, by mutual agreement, returned half, or 1050 ETH. 


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