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Social Network “Vkontakte” has plans to release its own cryptocurrency

Vkontakte-plans-to-release-cryptocurrency Social Network “Vkontakte” has plans to release its own cryptocurrency

The social network VKontakte has plans to release its own cryptocurrency, but a specific decision to launch has not yet been made.

At the moment the project is supposed to create individual cryptocurrency accounts for all users of the social network. According to RNS, the news agency received a project presentation. It says that users will be able to receive cryptocurrency for time spent on the network and activity.

Earned tokens can be accumulated, stored and sent to other users, as well as to make their exchange for goods or conversion through the VK Pay service. In addition, as reported by RNS, users will be able to earn tokens for posting interesting publications - other members of the network will be able to rate them not only with likes, but also rewards of authors with tokens. VKontakte press service declined to comment on the launch of its own cryptocurrency.

In March last year, Mail.Ru Group, which owns a social network, began to accept cryptocurrency for advertising in their projects. Recently, the publication of the New York Times, citing anonymous sources on Facebook, reported that the largest social network has prepared the launch of its own cryptocurrency and is already in talks with listing on exchanges. 

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