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  • YouTube acknowledges cryptocurrency video content removal as a mistake
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YouTube acknowledges cryptocurrency video content removal as a mistake

YouTube-cryptocurrency-video-removal-mistake YouTube acknowledges cryptocurrency video content removal as a mistake

A representative of YouTube video hosting said that the removal of hundreds of videos on the subject of cryptocurrencies occurred "by mistake."

With the massive volume of videos on our site, sometimes we make the wrong call. When it's brought to our attention that a video has been removed mistakenly, we act quickly to reinstate it. We also offer uploaders the ability to appeal removals and we will re-review the content," he said, adding that there is no additional censorship regarding the topic of cryptocurrencies.

The users themselves, despite the statement by the representative of the video hosting service, still report that many of their videos continue to be inaccessible. For Chris Dunn, a channel owner with 200,000 subscribers and a multi-year investment library, the situation has only worsened. He challenged the company's previous actions, but that one, after restoring the content, deleted it again, as well as another video that had not been deleted before.

The community continues to speculate on the reasons for YouTube's actions. There are many theories. Dunn notes that some videos were not related to cryptocurrencies at all. He suggests that behind this may be "malicious denunciations" of him and others or a mistake of artificial intelligence, which automatically marks the video as not corresponding to the rules of the resource.

According to Dunn, his video was removed for "demonstrating dangerous actions or causing harm", as well as for "selling regulated goods", although Dunn did not sell anything and did not monetize content through advertising.

Dunn believes that deletion may be due to the fact that the content does not bring video hosting profit. A December 10 update to the terms of use of the service states that YouTube may terminate access to all or part of the service if it considers that providing access does not make commercial sense.

Dunn is ready to move from YouTube to another platform. On Thursday, he said that he had already prepared a farewell video for his channel, but did not publish it yet, because he wanted to wait for the situation to be clarified. If such drastic measures are taken, the Dunn channel will move to a decentralized platform. 


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