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Nodelancer is an Ethereum based mobile freelancing platform that relies on blockchain technology to establish a developed freelancing economic friendly system. The three-stage comprehensive project depends on an intelligent contract based on guaranteed mechanism, creating a platform convenient for both clients and freelancers.
For further facilitation and better future, Nodelancer aims at creating a micro-job freelance environment that uses mobile phones to take full advantage of both escalating usage of cell phones and utilizing the most up to date blockchain technology.
Nodelancer offers a different perspective as it focuses on micro-jobs freelancing that can be accomplished through mobile phones without the need to sit on a desktop or a laptop, or open files or any other PC programs.
With more demand on the use of internet in the future and the rapid growth in world population, it is important for freelance platforms to continue to offer their services with minimal risks to both clients and freelancers.
One of the solutions to overcome the various problems facing the freelancing industry is the use of the trending blockchain technology via a mobile application.