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ICO Quantex

Smart Contracts ICO List Category

4.94 (2 ICO reviews)

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Quantex ICO

ICO Quantex Description:

ICO Description

QUANTEX is the first Decentralized Platform for Crypto Trading on the QUANTEX. QUANTEX network is also a decentralized application platform, compatible with existing blockchain infrastructure, and is modularized so new technology can always be added. QUANTEX-safe certificates are X.509 certificates that use QUANTEX-safe encryption algorithms. While NIST is still in the process of standardizing QUANTEX-safe encryption algorithms, it has identified a number of candidate algorithms and implementations of these algorithms are currently available.


We put forward the idea that classic blockchains and smart contracts are potentially useful primitives not only for classical cryptography, but also for quantex cryptography. In abstract terms, a smart contract is a functionality that allows parties to deposit funds and release them when they meet algorithmically verifiable conditions, and thus can be used as a formal tool to provide monetary incentives. In this work, we give the first example of using smart contracts in a quantex setting.


We describe a simple hybrid classical-quantex payment system, the main ingredients of which are the classic blockchain, capable of processing status smart contracts, and quantex lightning, amplifying quantex money with a public key. Our hybrid payment system uses quantex states as coin and a classic blockchain to resolve disputes and save a track of valid serial numbers. It has several desirable properties: it is decentralized, without requiring trust in any individual entity; payments are made as quickly as quantex communication, regardless of the total number of users; in case of damage or loss of a quantex coin, the legitimate owner can restore the lost value.

⭐ Quantex ICO details:

Quantex ICO ICO Details

Quantex ICO Start: 11 07 2021

Quantex ICO End: 12 11 2021

Quantex Symbol: QTX

Quantex Platform: Own Blockchain

Quantex Private Sale Start: 2021-10-12

Quantex Private Sale Finish: 2021-11-04

Quantex Offering Type: ICO

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