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The Refereum (RFR) utility token is a decentralized referral marketing and cash reward platform that solves these problems. Refereum’s open-market approach removes the legal costs of individualized marketing deals while making digital advertising middlemen irrelevant. Instead of letting marketing budgets go to another advertising conglomerate, Refereum funds engagement for cash awards in the gaming community and enables superior acquisition of new players.
Refereum directly connects these groups, allowing gamers to make money sharing and playing video games, influencers to effectively monetize their followings, and studios to maximize the efficiency of marketing spend and player engagement. Refereum is backed by a veteran game industry team with leadership experience from Electronic Arts, Zynga, Google, and other prominent gaming and platform roles. The smart contracts have been written by world-renowned white hat cryptography and cryptocurrency experts who have served from Tether to Polybius, and other similar high-profile initiatives. Refereum is advised by Twitch, the world’s largest gaming influencer platform, and Unity, the most widely used game engine in the industry.