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Teccoin is a decentralized peer to peer payment system, and by joining in our ICO we're giving you a chance to be a part of our business. There are many goals of this project; one key goal is to facilitate transactions between consenting individuals who would otherwise have no means to trust one another.
This may be due to difference in geographical location, linguistic barriers and unwillingness on the part of either parties in a business activity, corruption of existing systems.With ubiquitous internet connections in most places of the world, global information transmission has become incredibly cheap, and with the rise of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, ethereum and the rest the need to study, and embrace digital currencies like Teccoin is becoming a norm and in times soon is going to take over the banking systems of developed countries.
Overall, we wish to provide a system such that users can be guaranteed that no matter with which other individuals, systems or organizations they interact, they can do so with absolute confidence in the possible outcomes and how those outcomes might come about.