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WeevoCity is a decentralized social urban network designed to connect the local business with the people around it. Online sales of products and services will take place through smart contracts under pre-established rules.
Our goal is to build a unique network where the local business, can in an easy and affordable way become more visible in the digital space and most of all to the people around him. To create the most secure and effective environment in advertising, online sales and bookings through the blockchain technology.
Why WeevoCity?
The WeevoCity eco system is being developed to address several issues:
1. To enable the local busines to offer its products and services to the people around it in an easier and more secure way using the block technology and make it more competitive with the bigger brands that are gaining a growing market share.
2. To better protect the end user from unfair traders and online shopping practices through smart contracts and decentralized guarantee fund.
3. To provide more effective advertising for local businesses by paying only for sales made.
4. To promote the marketing of products and services with the various cryptocurrencies by providing an affordable way for the small businesses to trade them.