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  • Kraken study: by 2044, an influx of investments will bring Bitcoin to $ 350,000
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Kraken study: by 2044, an influx of investments will bring Bitcoin to $ 350,000

influx-of-investments-will-bring-Bitcoin-to--350000 Kraken study: by 2044, an influx of investments will bring Bitcoin to $ 350,000

Researchers at the Kraken cryptocurrency exchange believe that part of the inheritance received by the millennials and generation X will be invested in Bitcoin and this will bring its rate to $ 350,000 by 2044.

In the report "Inheriting USDs & Acquiring BTCs: How 'The Great Wealth Transfer' Will Fuel 'The Great Bitcoin Adoption,'" analysts note that at the moment, young representatives of wealthy families in America alone can inherit about $ 70 trillion. If they allocate at least 5% of the inheritance received, then more than $ 971 billion will be invested in Bitcoin.

  Researchers emphasized that while older generations are more committed to investing in traditional assets, young people are more aware of cryptocurrencies and plan to invest in them.

"...older generations possessed a less favorable view of bitcoin than Millennials and Gen Xers.... 81% of US adults were familiar with at least one type of cryptocurrency, bitcoin being the most popular at 75%, approximately 55% of Millennials and 41% of Generation X familiar with at least one cryptocurrency voiced their belief that cryptocurrencies will become 'very' or 'somewhat' widely accepted for legal transactions before 2030," 

the researchers write.

Late last year, a study by Charles Schwab, an investment brokerage firm that manages $ 3.2 trillion in assets, showed that millennials would be more confident in investing in Bitcoin than in Microsoft or Netflix. Enter your text here ...


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