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  • The total number of crypto ATMs in the world has reached 6,000 devices
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The total number of crypto ATMs in the world has reached 6,000 devices

The-total-number-of-crypto-ATMs-in-the-world-has-reached-6000 The total number of crypto ATMs in the world has reached 6,000 devices

According to CoinATMRadar, the number of active crypto ATMs worldwide has exceeded 6,000 for the first time. Of these, three quarters of the devices are located in the United States and Canada.

According to recent data, there are currently 6,004 crypto ATMs installed in the world, more than 65% of which are located in the United States. In addition, 108 devices were installed this month, and data also shows that on average around 11 new crypto ATMs are installed daily in the world.

More than three-quarters of the devices are in North America, nearly 20% in Europe and only 2% in Asia. There are 3,924 crypto ATMs in the USA, 653 in Canada, and 272 and 189 devices in the UK and Austria, respectively.

The total number of crypto ATMs around the world has increased by about 1,000 devices since June, which indicates a significant growth in the industry. Crypto ATMs give users the opportunity to buy cryptocurrencies, but only 35% of devices allow the reverse exchange of cryptocurrencies for cash.

In July, it became known that the Canadian cryptocurrency platform Coinsquare bought a controlling stake in software maker Just Cash. Then it was reported that this acquisition will allow the company to deploy cryptocurrency transactions in traditional ATMs in the United States.

Recall also that in July, the Chicago cryptocurrency OTC platform DigitalMint installed crypto ATMs in 20 Circle K stores as part of a pilot program in the US states of Arizona and Nevada. At the beginning of this year, Coinme and Coinstar also expanded their ability to buy Bitcoins for cash in the United States and in the spring established more than 2,000 kiosks for buying BTC for cash.

With the growth of the industry, there are more and more scammers seeking to use new technologies for their own purposes. Recently, Spanish law enforcement officials uncovered a gang of criminals who used crypto ATMs to transfer money to drug dealers. 


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