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Wuabit develops cryptocurrency wallet for WhatsApp

Wuabit-cryptocurrency-wallet-for-WhatsApp Wuabit develops cryptocurrency wallet for WhatsApp

The English blockchain company Wuabit has announced that it is developing a cryptocurrency wallet that will work through the interface of the popular messenger WhatsApp.

Reported that users will be able to manage transactions using a chat bot by simple commands, for example, "send 0.05 BTC to Vera". Wuabit representatives also said that the first phase of product development is already at the final stage.

"We are near completing the wallet core service starting with BTC. By using WhatsApp/SMS/Telegram you can access that wallet easily. Crypto payments via WhatsApp can introduce greater numbers of new users who only know how to chat to this complicated space. Usability is key in user adoption and a great enabler."

 In the future, the company plans to gradually expand the list of supported cryptocurrencies and implement its service in other platforms, such as Viber, Messenger and Telegram.

It is worth noting that the owner of WhatsApp and Messenger is the American company Facebook, which is currently working on launching its own stablecoin for these platforms. In addition, the owners of instant messengers Viber and Telegram are also working on creating their own cryptocurrencies.


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