The creator of VKontakte and Telegram Pavel Durov is preparing to release his own cryptocurrency under the name Gram, said a former employee of VKontakte and subordinate Durov Anton Rosenberg.
He believes that in this way Durov will begin to monetize the messenger "Telegram" and provide Asian countries with a digital payment system.The new project will be called TON (Telegram Open Network) - there is already the first promo in the style of "Star Wars". The platform will be integrated with many of the most popular messaging applications (not yet determined which ones). TON will use the so-called "light wallets", and its currency is called Gram.
According to Rosenberg, the exit to the ICO will ensure the existence of the "Telegram", which "has been contributing only expenses for more than five years".
A former member of the VKontakte team said that Durov will seek the main support in Iran, where international payment systems do not work because of American sanctions and Gram can become a panacea, and also in Uzbekistan.