Telegram Open Network may refuse to hold a public ICO. The company is ready to conduct a closed sale of tokens among a small number of investors and attracted the "iTechCapital" and "Da Vinci Capital" funds for their search. The public ICO (initial coin offering - the initial placement of coins of cryptocurrency or tokens that give their owners certain rights) of the project of the Telegram Open Network (TON) by Pavel Durov, which was expected in March, may not take place. The company is ready to confine itself to two closed investment rounds among qualified investors, and to allocate a part of the tokens to the development team of TON. This follows from two presentations for potential investors. These are materials in which on behalf of venture funds "iTechCapital" and "Da Vinci Capital" investors are invited to participate in the ongoing second round of the closed sale of TON tokens. Three investors confirmed their authenticity.
ICO messenger Telegram, has not yet officially begun, but already set an absolute record on the size of the collected investments.
The preliminary primary location of the tokens of the TON blockchain-platform has been completed
The creator of VKontakte and Telegram Pavel Durov is preparing to release his own cryptocurrency under the name Gram, said a former employee of VKontakte and subordinate Durov Anton Rosenberg.