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Some people still believe that Pavel Durov is behind NOTCOIN

Pavel Durov is behind NOTCOIN Pavel Durov - Founder of Telegram

Exploring the Surge of Notcoin and Its Impact on the Cryptocurrency Market

Pavel Durov: Toncoin cryptocurrency will maintain decentralization

Pavel Durov - Toncoin cryptocurrency will maintain decentralization Pavel Durov - co-founder of the Telegram

Pavel Durov Commits to Preserving Toncoin's Decentralization

Pavel Durov: We correctly chose TON as the Telegram blockchain platform

Pavel Durov - We correctly chose TON as the Telegram blockchain platform Pavel Durov - founder of Telegram

TON Blockchain's Record-Breaking Performance Affirmed by Pavel Durov

Pavel Durov: Unfortunately, a US court stopped TON from happening

Pavel Durov - Unfortunately, a US court stopped TON from happening Pavel Durov - founder of Telegram

Pavel Durov informed subscribers of his Telegram channel about the completion of work on the TON project. 

The TON launch date has been postponed to April 30, 2020

TON-launch-date-postponed The TON launch date has been postponed to April 30, 2020

Telegram sent a new letter to its investors, in which it says that the launch of the TON blockchain is postponed for six months. The launch deadline is now set for April 30, 2020. Investors can exit the project by taking 77% of their investments.

In the letter, the company refers to a proceeding with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which considered Gram tokens to be unregistered securities. The regulator managed to achieve a time limit on their sale and use, which interferes with Telegram's plans.

TON under attack: SEC accuses Telegram of illegal ICO

SEC-accuses-Telegram-of-illegal-ICO SEC accuses Telegram of illegal ICO

The American regulator dealt an unexpected blow to the upcoming TON blockchain, accusing Telegram of unregistered sale of tokens a year and a half after the ICO.

The U.S. government seems to consider corporate cryptocurrencies more dangerous than public blockchains. Until now, all the claims of regulators and politicians have been streaming on Facebook for the Libra project, and a similar development by Telegram, which began selling $ 1.7 billion in tokens in January and March 2018, has remained in the background. However, this silence was deceiving.

Telegram publishes “Gram” cryptocurrency wallet rules

Telegram-publishes-Gram-wallet-rules Telegram publishes “Gram” cryptocurrency wallet rules

Telegram introduced the first edition of the rules for using the "Gram" cryptocurrency wallet, which was developed by the company to store the tokens of the same name.

The rules say that the Gram wallet is provided by Telegram FZ-LLC and will be built into the Telegram messenger, and is also available as a separate application. One of the main points in the rules is the age limit - only people over 18 years old can use the wallet. In addition, only citizens of countries in which it is not prohibited by law can use the Gram.

How Blockchain, Telegram / TON / TVM technology and the OZOTOP project will revolutionize today's society

PRESS-RELEASE-OZOTOP-project Press-Release OZOTOP Project

We saw in a globalized world, with infinite difficulties and conflicts. Problems of the complicated solution, disputes between countries, wars, terrorist attacks, environmental disasters, uncontrolled release of money, and many more that concern us. And we think about the number of solutions or ideals of life for all humanity. And this is where the OZOTOP Project comes with its proposal and will revolutionize the society model, providing a community free of negativity and scammers.

Telegram plans to begin a public test of its blockchain on September 1

Telegram-plans-to-begin-a-public-test Telegram plans to begin a public test of its blockchain on September 1

According to one of the project's investors, on September 1, Telegram plans to begin a public test of its blockchain - TON (Telegram open network).

During the public test, the TON network node code and instructions for installing it should appear in the public domain. Sharding (the process of breaking transactions into separate pieces to ensure scaling) and consensus (a mechanism for confirming new blocks in the blockchain) should also be available, which will allow testing the entire blockchain.

Launch of the Telegram Open Network (TON) is possible in Q3 of this year

1-Launch-of-the-Telegram-Open-Network-TON Launch of the Telegram Open Network (TON) is possible in Q3 of this year

Telegram Company informed in a letter to investors that it plans to launch its project Telegram Open Network (TON) in the 3rd quarter of this year.

Representatives of Telegram said in their letter to investors that the network is being tested successfully: the test blockchain works fine, and the consensus algorithm is consistent with the goals stated in the Whitepaper of the project.

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